京都工芸繊維大学 Webシラバス


大学コンソーシアム京都 はじめに
Before You Begin

ベニス大学 Ca' Foscari University of Venice
(Curricula>Enrolled in a.y****>Study Plan)
トリノ大学 Politecnico di Torino
(Material struttali)
科目ナンバリング分類表 大学コンソーシアム京都

科目詳細情報 / Course Syllabus

科目分類 / Subject Categories
学部等 / Faculty 大学院工芸科学研究科(博士後期課程) / Graduate School of Science and Technology (Doctoral Programs) 今年度開講 / Availability 有 / Available
学域等 / Field <その他> / <Other> 年次 / Year 1~3年次 / 1st through 3rd Year
課程等 / Program 専攻共通科目 / Program-wide Subjects 学期 / Semester 第3クォータ / Third quarter
分類 / Category 授業科目 / Courses 曜日時限 / Day & Period 集中 / Intensive course
科目情報 / Course Information
時間割番号 / Timetable Number 84119904
科目番号 / Course Number 84160100
単位数 / Credits 2
授業形態 / Course Type 講義 / Lecture
授業科目名 / Course Title リーガルデザイン特論 / Legal design, advanced
日髙 一樹、(大西 雅直)
HIDAKA Kazuki、(ONISHI Masanao)
その他 / Other インターンシップ実施科目
Project Based Learning
Practical Teacher
- - - ○(弁理士、特定訴訟代理人として知財契約実務、知財裁判、ビジネス計画における知財などの指導経験から講義を行う。)
ICT Usage in Learning
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科目ナンバリング / Numbering Code D_PS7230
Objectives and Outline of the Course
(1) 技術やデザインを製品化等する上で必要な知的財産権等の基本的な知識の習得。
(2) 産業財産権の情報の検索方法の習得。
(3) それら情報を開発過程で活用する実践的方法の習得。
(4) ビジネスに必要な知的財産権に関するライセンス等契約の要件の習得。

In this lecture, we aim to comprehensively acquire practical methods of intellectual property rights management. Specifically, learn the following matters.
(1) Learning basic knowledge of intellectual property rights etc. necessary for commercialization of technology and design.
(2) Learning how to retrieve information on industrial property rights.
(3) Learning practical methods of utilizing information on industrial property rights in the development process
(4) Learning licensing agreement requirements for intellectual property rights necessary for business.
Through these acquisitions, we aim to nurture personnel capable of social implementation of research results in technology and design. This lecture is given by a patent attorney.

Learning Objectives
8. 知的財産権に関わる契約の基本を理解する。
9. ビジネスにおける知的財産権戦略立案の基本要素を理解する。
1.You will understand the significance of the history, present and future role of intellectual property rights in economic society.
2. You will understand the foundation of intellectual property rights.
3.You will understand the basic procedures of industrial property rights.
4. You will be able to search for industrial property rights.
5.You will understand the basis of copyright.
6.You will understand the laws and regulations related to development, such as Unfair Competition Prevention Law.
7. You will understand the methodology of strategic planning of intellectual property rights in development.
8. You will understand the basics of contracts related to intellectual property rights.
9.(9) You will understand the basic elements of strategic planning of intellectual property rights in business
10.You will understand the important points regarding intellectual property rights when using AI.
授業計画項目 / Course Plan
No. 項目
online class
1. 知的財産権イントロダクション 知的財産権の歴史と現在及び将来的意義を学ぶ。個人、企業、経済社会における知的財産権の位置付けと活用方法を学ぶ。
Introduction to intellectual property rights History of intellectual property rights and current and future significance. Positioning and utilization of intellectual property rights in individuals, companies and economic society.
2. 知的財産権の基礎的知識 特許、実用新案、意匠、商標、著作権、不正競争防止法、肖像権、パブリシティ権、製造物責任法などの概論。
Basic knowledge of intellectual property rights Introduction to patents, utility models, designs, trademarks, copyrights, unfair competition prevention law, portrait rights, publicity rights, product liability law
3. 特許法、実用新案権法(1) 保護対象である発明(考案)の把握。特許性(登録可能性)の判断。出願から特許(登録)までの手続き。特許権(実用新案権)の効力。
Patent Act, Utility Model Act Understanding of inventions (device) to be protected. Judgment of patentability (possibility of registration). Procedure from application to patent (registration). Effect of patent right (utility model right).
4. 特許法、実用新案権法(2) 保護対象である発明(考案)の把握。特許性(登録可能性)の判断。出願から特許(登録)までの手続き。特許権(実用新案権)の効力。
Patent Act, Utility Model Act Understanding of inventions (device) to be protected. Judgment of patentability (possibility of registration). Procedure from application to patent (registration). Effect of patent right (utility model right).
5. 意匠法 保護対象である意匠の把握。登録可能性の判断。出願から登録までの手続。意匠権の効力。
Design Act Understanding of designs to be protected. Judgment of possibility of registration. Procedure from application to registration. Effect of design right.
6. 商標法 保護対象である商標の把握。登録可能性の判断。出願から登録までの手続。商標権の効力。
Trademark Act Understanding of trademark to be protected. Judgment of possibility of registration. Procedure from application to registration. Effect of trademark right.
7. 著作権法 発生要因。保護対象である著作物の把握。著作権(財産権)、著作者人格権、著作隣接権。
Copyright Act Requirements for copyright generation. Understanding of copyright to be protected. Copyright (property rights), author's moral rights, and neighboring rights.
8. 知的財産に関する条約、外国特許制度 各種の条約、各国の特許制度(米国、欧州、中国、東南アジア)
Treaty on intellectual property, foreign patent system Various treaties, patent system in foreign countries (USA, Europe, China, and Southeast Asia).
9. 産業財産権の検索演習(特許) 検索の意義(先行技術調査、実施可否調査、無効資料調査)、検索ツールJ-Plat-Patの使用方法。
Exercise for searching industrial property rights (Patent) Significance of search (prior art search, possibility of implement search, and invalid materials search), and method how to use search tool J-Plat-Pat.
10. 産業財産権の検索演習(意匠、商標) 検索の意義(先行技術調査、実施可否調査、無効資料調査)、検索ツールJ-Plat-Patの使用方法。
Exercise for searching industrial property rights (Design, Trademark) Significance of search (prior art search, possibility of implement search, and invalid materials search), and method how to use search tool J-Plat-Pat.
11. 周辺法 不正競争防止法。製造物責任法と特許法との関係。商品表示法と特許法との関係。
Relevant law Unfair Competition Prevention Act. Relationship between Product Liability Act and Patent Act. Relationship between Act against Unjustifiable Premiums and Misleading Representations and Patent Act.
12. 知的財産権戦略マネジメント 権利化とノウハウ(オープン/クローズ戦略)、先使用権の確保、特許と意匠の並願。
Intellectual property strategy management Right or know-how (open/closed strategy), secure prior use rights, and parallel protection by patent and design. Learn about issues related to AI intellectual property rights.
13. 商品戦略と知的財産権戦略(権利マップなど使用方法) パテントマップの使用方法(他社動向の把握、参入障壁の形成)。
Product strategy and intellectual property strategy Method how to use patent map (understanding other company trend and formation of entry barriers).
14. 知的財産権契約考え方 これまでに学んだ知的財産権の特性とその対象内容を基礎に、ビジネス目的を考慮してどのような要素から契約を考えていくのかを学ぶ。
Approach to intellectual property rights contract Based on the characteristics and contents of the intellectual property right learned so far, learn what factors should be considered in the contract considering the project purpose.
15. 知的財産権契約考え方、事例演習 具体的事案からシミュレーションを行い知的財産権から生じる契約リスクや効果などを学ぶ。AIの知的財産権に関する問題点等を学ぶ。
Approach to intellectual property rights contract - Case study Simulate from concrete cases and learn contract risks and effects arising from intellectual property rights.Learn about issues related to AI intellectual property rights.
Required study time, Preparation and review


Submission of all the requested reports is prerequisite to evaluation.

Notes on citation
· When quoting a sentence of another person at the time of report creation, please describe the citation part so that it is clearly understood, and list the citation. Also refrain from quoting exceeding degrees.
· Do not modify quoted parts including misspellings.
· Do not forge or alter data of experiments or survey results.
Please note that KIT requires 45 hours of study from students to award one credit, including both in-class instructions as well as study outside classes. Students are required to prepare for each class and complete the review after each class.
Textbooks/Reference Books
· Textbook "Intellectual property rights system introduction" (edited by the Patent Office) * We will distribute it at the lecture.
· Print distribution
Grading Policy
You will be evaluated based on quizzes (approximately 2 quizzes) (30%) and reports (approximately 4 reports) (70%).The number of days attended will be considered in the evaluation.
If a student is absent for more than 1/3 of the class period, they will not be considered for grade evaluation.
Point to consider
(1) Contact the Student Affairs Division for class attendance and other correspondence.
For other matters related to classes, please contact the instructor in charge of the following period.
(2) Professor Hidaka's contact information: e-mail jt8k-hdk@asahi-net.or.jp
(3)Professor  Onishi's contact information : Email 0024@o-pat.jp